At Takemoto Piano, we handle everything in-house, from appraisal and purchase to inspection, repair, and export. Among these processes, the Logistics Center is responsible for the steps from receiving the pianos to exporting them worldwide.
Maximum Piano Capacity: 4,500 Units
The facility consists of three buildings, allowing simultaneous handling of both incoming and outgoing shipments. It is the first in the industry to introduce a large-scale leveler, enabling the simultaneous entry of five 10-ton trucks.
The piano storage capacity includes a dedicated warehouse for upright pianos (with a maximum capacity of 4,500 units), and a dedicated warehouse for grand pianos (with a maximum capacity of 500 units). It boasts one of the largest warehouses in the country, always maintaining a stable inventory.

What can be found inside the Logistics Center?
Inside the Logistics Center, there are many specialized staff members for inspection and repair, and special machines designed specifically for pianos are available.
The company has invested a tremendous amount in piano repairs, with no other company offering such a combination of skilled personnel and equipment. Thanks to the expertise of the trained specialists and the custom-developed machines, we are able to restore used pianos to near-new condition, making it possible to export them smoothly worldwide.
Additionally, live cameras are installed inside the Logistics Center, allowing you to view the facility and the work being done 24/7. Please take a look at the remarkable transformation of the important pianos entrusted to us by our customers.
Custom Equipment such as Piano-Specific Forklifts
Custom-designed piano-specific forklifts and computer-controlled automatic piano transport systems assist with operations inside the warehouse.
Additionally, there are three custom-built piano elevators capable of transporting up to 12 pianos at the same time, helping to move pianos to the repair area.
Of course, repairs cannot be completed without human involvement. The complete repair of a piano cannot be done without the hands-on work of our skilled staff.

By combining special machines and the skilled hands of our staff, the pianos are brought back to life.
Afterward, they undergo re-inspection, and only the pianos that pass are shipped worldwide.
Once the preparations for export are complete, the pianos are carefully packed into shipping containers and sent out. The work at the Logistics Center includes the careful loading of the pianos entrusted to us.